Monday, December 2, 2013

Just What I Needed?

So, I definitely failed again and didn't run on Saturday. I had all intentions of doing so, but apparently being 25 means my body really doesn't like this whole quick-turnaround, travel-across-the-country-for-two-days, stay-up-all-night business. It just wasn't havin' it. I spent Saturday on my parents' couch watching football, lesson planning, and reading Mockingjay for the third time.

I did, however, run this afternoon. It was painful in ways I didn't expect, but I did run a majority of the time and finished the loop in under 40 minutes. And, hey, I went, so that's something.

When I went last Sunday with Becca and didn't end up running much at all, I was having the same sort of pain -- not exactly a sideache, cuz it's in the lower abs, but kinda the same sensation. I'm not exactly sure what it is. Last time, I attributed it to eating too much too close to running. This time, I finished lunch at least 2 hours before I went and all I had was pad thai and an apple. So I dunno.

I did have a little revelation, though. I had my hair done up all nice for school in these cool twisty bobby pin things and I didn't feel like taking it out, so I just ran in it. And it didn't fall out and it was actually kinda comfy - didn't pull as tight as a normal rubberband. So that was cool. 
I might have to try running with my hair like this more often.

And that's pretty much that. I ran. It wasn't great, but it happened. I guess that's better than nothing. Yay me!

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