About Me

Hi! My name is Colleen Fitzsimons in the title and I'm trying to be a runner - hence the title. It's a bit of a shameless rip-off of the blog of a former roommate of mine, but you can read more about that in About My Blog (see next tab over)...

If you're reading this, chances are you know me already, but just in case you don't here are a few random tidbits:

I'm a twentysomething living in the greater Los Angeles area.
We have mountains and oceans and  downtowns and sunshine. What more could you want?
I spent six years in the midwest at the Universities of Dayton and Notre Dame, meeting awesome people and learning awesome things, but then I came back to the world of sun, sun, and more sun.
The best way to describe my time at UD. Hangin' out on the roof with the guys.
Some friends from the MTS at Notre Dame.
I am a high school Theology teacher and Campus Minister, which means I hang out with teenagers a lot and which, I think, is why Order of the Phoenix doesn't bother me as much as it used to.
My first sophomores. Aren't they cute?
My first junior retreat team.
I like guacamole a lot. And these really delicious potato chips they sell at Trader Joe's that are made with olive oil. (Seriously, try them with chocolate-covered pomegranate seeds and you'll thank me). I'm also really good at making chocolate chip pancakes.
If you don't believe me, ask Stephanie Smith.
I enjoy reading books written for and marketed to teens, like Harry Potter, Hunger Games, Percy Jackson, Twilight - you get the idea - and I tend to binge on TV shows. to help you form a picture in your head, I watched 5 entire TV series a couple summers ago. No, not 5 seasons of a show - 5 entire shows. Yep.

Oh, and I LOVE LOVE LOVE baseball, especially my boys in blue, the Los Angeles Dodgers. Even if they do cause me a lot of grief at times.
Jen and me at Dodger Stadium, celebrating the legendary Tommy Lasorda.
Hope you enjoy the blog!

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